The Society for Archaeological Sciences Bulletin
The SAS Bulletin has been discontinued as of 2025. The rise of email listservs, blogs, teleconferencing, and social media over the past 30 years have reshaped the scientific communications landscape and diminished the need for a society Bulletin as a vehicle for communicating with the archaeologcial science community. Instead, a News page on this website will emphasize the workings of SAS as an organization in order to better inform the society membership and foster deeper involvement in developing society programming.
All Bulletin content published since 2019 is hosted on Blogger at the address of the former SAS Blog. Content from the previously standalone blog is also hosted at that address.
Click here to access archived content from the Spring 2020 Bulletin and earlier.
Journal of Archaeological Science
"The Journal of Archaeological Science is aimed at archaeologists and scientists with particular interests in advances in the application of scientific techniques and methodologies to all areas of archaeology. This established bimonthly journal publishes original research papers, major review articles, and short notes of wide archaeological significance.
The journal provides an international forum for archaeologists and scientists from widely different scientific backgrounds who share a common interest in using scientific methods to increase the information derived from archaeological research." --Description from Elsevier B.V.
A journal subscription discount is available to SAS membership; prices are listed at SAS Description of Journal and Subscription.
"Archaeometry is an international journal covering the involvement of the physical and biological sciences with archaeology and art history. The topics covered include dating methods, artifact studies, mathematical methods, remote sensing techniques, conservation science and the study of man and his environment. The journal began in 1958 as the Bulletin of the Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art, Oxford University who published it for some 40 years. As from 2001, the journal is published on behalf of the Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art, Oxford University, in association with the Gesellschaft fnr Naturwissenschaftliche Archaologie Archaeometrie and Society for Archaeological Sciences by Blackwell Publishers Ltd." -- Description from Archaeometry
Journal subscription discount is available to SAS membership, prices listed at SAS Description of Journal and Subscription.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
"Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences covers the full spectrum of natural scientific methods with an emphasis on the archaeological contexts and the questions being studied. It bridges the gap between archaeologists and natural scientists providing a forum to encourage the continued integration of scientific methodologies in archaeological research.
Coverage in the journal includes: archaeology, geology/geophysical prospection, geoarchaeology, geochronology, palaeoanthropology, archaeozoology and archaeobotany, genetics and other biomolecules, material analysis and conservation science.
The journal is endorsed by the German Society of Natural Scientific Archaeology and Archaeometry (GNAA), the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry (HSC), the Association of Italian Archaeometrists (AIAr) and the Society of Archaeological Sciences." -- Description from Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
Journal subscription discount is available to SAS membership
Advances in Archaeological and Museum Science
Advances in Archaeological and Museum Science is a series of volumes published by Springer/Klewer Academic/Plenum publishers, in cooperation with the Society for Archaeological Sciences. These volumes provide summaries of advances in closely defined topics in archaeometry, archaeological science, environemntal archaeology, or museum conservation and preservation science. They are available for individual sale directly from the publisher or other book retailers.
listing of current Series titles and contents.
Science and Technology of Archaeological Research
OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL: Science and Technology of Archaeological Research
STAR seeks to provide a dynamic, international and high quality open access forum for rapid publication of archaeological research resulting from the application of scientific and computational methods. The journal embraces the full breadth of archaeological enquiry, no periods, regions or site types are excluded. For publication in the core journal, STAR stipulates only that the article demonstrates the significance of the scientific or computational methods used to the archaeological knowledge base. STAR aims to provide first editorial decision within three weeks and articles will be published online within eight weeks of acceptance. The full potential of the online format will be used to showcase current imaging methods, data and analysis.
Robert H Tykot (University of South Florida, USA)
Why submit to STAR?
STAR is for authors who are concerned with maximizing the impact of their research and who need to publish in the literature rapidly. The editors will be delighted to hear expressions of interest in submission.
Please contact
Article Publication Charges