
Global Archaeological Science Events Calendar: A free service of SAS to the international archaeometry community

This calendar aggregates archaeological science events from around the world that SAS believes are relevant to our members and broader constituency, regardless of SAS involvement or endorsement status. To learn more about events specifically endorsed by SAS, please see the Programming page. If you do not see any events in the calendar below, try clicking the "Month" button at the top-right of the calendar and selecting "Schedule" in the drop-down menu. Google Calendar users may copy individual events to their personal calendar; you can also add the whole SAS calendar so that new events appear automatically by clicking the link in the lower-left hand corner.

Information about each event will be added to this calendar from the organizer's website or social media account. However, unless we are notified of a change by the organizer later, that information will not be updated once posted so be sure to check with the host directly for the most current details.  Anyone involved in planning or promoting events potentially relevant to an archaeological science audience is encouraged to reach out to the SAS General Secretary or the VP for Intersociety Relations about adding your event to our calendar.