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Adrian L. Burke, Professeur titulaire (full professor), Département d’anthropologie, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada, Director of the Archéoscience/Archéosociale (As 2 ) research team, Director of the Laboratoire de caractérisation des matériaux archéologiques
Adrian Burke is an archaeologist specializing in the physico-chemical characterization of rocks and minerals used in the past to make tools and ornaments. He carries out most of his research, including geoarchaeological fieldwork, in northeastern North America. He currently directs an XRF laboratory dedicated to the geochemical analysis of geological samples and archaeological artifacts. He also uses other techniques such as thin section petrography, SEM, XRD, and NAA to characterize raw materials. Burke was a key member of both the scientific and local organizing committees for the 2019 GMPCA colloquium in Montreal, Canada, as well as previously serving as the SAS Vice President of Intersociety Relations.
Marcela Sepúlveda, Associate Professor Escuela de Antropología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Av. Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Campus San Joaquin, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2° piso, Macul, Santiago- Chile & Associate Researcher UMR8096 ArchAm (CNRS-Paris 1), France;
Marcela Sepúlveda is archaeologist and Associate Professor at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Her research concerned, since more than 15 years and from an interdisciplinary perspective (archaeology, anthropology, art history, chemistry, geology) with a strong archaeometric component and the physical-chemical characterization of materials, the materiality of art and color technology to specify the material practices and immaterial knowledge handled in the past with respect to the obtaining, production, consumption and circulation of mineral pigments. She conducted investigations in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile, as well as in other regions of the country (semi-arid north and Patagonia) and neighbouring countries (Peru, Argentina), in the framework of several ongoing collaborative projects. Her research included several analytical techniques (SEM-EDS, XRF, DRX, Raman spectroscopy, between others) and prioritized in situ analyses. Sepúlveda was the SAS delegate to the VIII Congreso Nacional de Arqueometría (Argentina) in 2021. In 2022, she will serve as the SAS delegate to the combined conference of the Scientific Committees of the Latin American Congress of Archeometry and the Latin American Symposium on Physical and Chemical Methods in Archeology, Art and Conservation of Cultural Heritage.
Professor Renaud Joannes-Boyau, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Southern Cross University, Military Rd., Lismore, New South Wales, 2480, Australia;
Renaud Joannes-Boyau is Professor of Geochronology and (Archaeo)geochemistry at the Faculty of Science at Southern Cross University (https://researchportal.scu.