Laboratory Profile

Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology and Museum of Himalayan

Archaeology and Ethnography

H.N.B. Garhwal University

Srinagar (Garhwal) U.P. India


Adviser: Prof. K.P. Nautiyal Former Head of the Department (1978-1993) Presently Vice Chancellor HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar, INDIA Himalayan Archaeology, Protohistory, Field Excavation, Art and Iconography.

1. Vinod Nautiyal: D.Phil., 1983 (Garhwal), Professor, Palaeodietry studies using trace elements and Carbon Isotope analysis, Anthropogenic Soil Chemistry (Phosphate Analysis), Application of Computers Graphics in Archaeology in Pottery Drawing,Ethnoarchaeology

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2. B.M.Khanduri: D.Phil. 1986 (Garhwal) Professor (Head of Department), Field Archaeology main Specialisation Himalayan Archaeology, Excavation Techniques,

3. R.C. Bhatt: D.Phil. 1988 (Garhwal) Sr.Lecturer, Himalayan Archaeology, Excavation Techniques.

4. S.S. Negi: D.Phil. 1983 (Garhwal) Sr. Lecturer, Himalayan Ethnography, Medieval Archaeology, Folk Traditions of Central Himalaya.

5. P.M. Saklani: D.Phil. 1995 (Garhwal) Lecturer, Ethnoarchaeology, Himalayan Pastoralism, Folk and Living Traditions.

6. Y. S. Farswan: D.Phil 1989 (Zoology), (Garhwal) Lecturer, Archaeozoology (Main Specialisation Palaeodite using trace elements), Instrumentation, (ICP Spectroscope, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry), Anthropogenic Soil Chemistry,

Technical Staff

1. Sudhir Nautiyal: Research Assistance, (1994) Computer Graphics, use of Optical Plotter for pottery Drawing, Data Base for Internet.

2. Mohan Naithani: Research Assistant (1996) Autocad Application for 3D Pottery Drawing, Multimedia.

3. R.S. Rawat: Photographer (1984) Archaeological Photographer, Field Technician, Excavated many remote sites in High altitude Central Himalaya.

4. K.S. Negi: Archaeological Assistant (1990) Field Excavation in Himalayas, Pottery analysis, stratigraphy.

5. J.S. Negi: (1984) Sr. Draughtsman, Field contour mapping of Archaeological sites, Field Drawing of Excavated Structures.

6. R.S. Rawat: (1981) Curator Museum, Conservation Techniques for Antiquities Preservation, Display of Archaeological Ethnographic material.

The department of Ancient Indian History culture and Archaeology was established in HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar U.P. India in 1976 with a modest beginning. During the last 20 years it has developed as one of the biggest departments of the University with 10 faculty members and other technical staff specialising in different branches of Himalayan Archaeology, Environmental Archaeology, Ethnoarchaeology, Living and folk traditions and related fields. The laboratory was established by Prof. Vinod Nautiyal under the overall guidance of Prof. K.P. Nautiyal. Now it has developed as a fullfleged laboratory which is well equipped with some of the latest equipments for analytical work. The department has recently established an AAS Lab for trace element analysis. The computer unit developed by the laboratory includes an optical plotter (Reflex Metrograph) imported from U.K. which is being used successfully for digitising and computerising the method of pottery drawing for the first time in the country. We have also made a breakthrough in using Auto-CAD for 3D graphics and regeneration of archaeological pottery drawings. The introduction of this new technique has opened a new field in the application of computers in archaeology.

The other areas of research being undertaken by this laboratory are specifically on palaeodiets and anthropogenic soil chemistry using analytical techniques. One of the major contribution of our work on phosphate enrichment of burial sites in Ramganga Valley in Central Himalaya, India has been rewarding (for details see Journal of Archaeological Science (1997) vol. 24: 251-258). Similarily the faunal and skeletal remains of protohistoric sites from Garhwal Himalaya have been analysed for trace elements and carbon isotopes (in other laboratories) for reconstructing the dietary shifts in different ecological zones in Himalaya. Dr. Y.S. Farswan has worked with Prof. T. Douglas Price in the Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Madison USA in 1994-95. He has been trained on the application of ICP spectroscopy. To further enhance our research activities it is also proposed to start and develop the technique of Gel-electrophoresis for isolating proteins in archaeological bones. Ethnoarchaeological investigations are being carried out in Yamuna valley in Garhwal Himalaya for specifically probing some of the complex issues of pastoralism in prehistoric times.


The Archaeological laboratory in housed in a small building of the department. The following facilities are available for Archaeometric analysis.

1. Spectronic-20 Spectrophotometer.

2. Microprocessor controlled Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Chemito AAS-203).

3. Gel-Electrophoresis.

4. Analyser and Polarising Microscope.

5. Kjeldahl Nitrogen extraction Unit.

6. Flame Photometer.

7. Basic Pretreatment Laboratory equipped with Ultrasonic Bath, drying unit, fumigation chamber, muffle furnace, rotatory shacker, electronic microprocessor balance, centrifuge, distillation unit, digestion unit etc.

8. Computer Laboratory equipped with software driven optical plotter, Auto-CAD releases 13 and 14 for 3-D graphics.

9. Computers (Pentium 210 MHz, 32 MB RAM, 1.2 GB Hard Disc) with multimedia (five).

10. Photographic Unit equipped with latest still and video cameras for photography.

Owing to the achievements made by the department it is receiving special grants from University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi under the special assistance programme (SAP), Environmental Archaeology Programme and the state Government. The department has been identified as a major center of research in the country. The department has introduced Environmental archaeology as a special paper at Post-Graduate level. For the first time the laboratory practicals have also been introduced for the non- science background and also to attract students from other disciplines. The department also offers other programmes on Museology and archaeology at the undergraduate level.

Contributed by:

Vinod Nautiyal

P.Box. No. - 16

H.N.B. Garhwal University, Srinagar (Garhwal)

246 174 U. P. India