Aug. 27-28. Second International Meeting on Phytolith Research. Aix en Provence, France. 2nd IMPR, J.D. Meunier, CEREGE, Europole Mediterraneen de lArbois-BP 80, 13545 Aix en Provence Cecex 04, France; tel: 33-0-4-42-97-15-26; fax: 33-0-4-42-97-15-40; email: phytomeeting@cerege.fr; web: http://www.cerege.fr.
Sept. 5-7. 15th Biennial Meeting of the American Quaternary Association. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Socorro Lozano Garcia, Instituto de Geologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Cuidad Universitaria, Apartado Postal 70-296, 04510, Mexico City, Mexico; fax: 52-5- 550-6644.
Oct. 4-10. V Congreso de la Asociaction Latino-americana de Antropologia Biologica y VI Simposio de Antropologia Fisica "Luis Montane." Universidad de La Habana, Cuba. Antonio J. Martinez Fuentes, Secretario Asociacion Latino-americana de Antropologia Biologica, Museo Antropologico Montane, Facultad de Biologia, Universidad de La Habana Calle 25 #455, entre J e I, Vedado Cuidad Habana 10400, Cuba; tel: 53-7-32-9000/79-3488; fax: 53-7-32-1321/33- 5774; email: montane@comuh.uh.cu.
* Oct. 9-10. 5th Gender and Archaeology Conference: From the Ground Up-Beyond Gender Theory in Archaeology. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. Bettina Arnold, Dept. of Anthropology, Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, PO Box 413 Bolton Hall, Milwaukee, WI 53201, USA; email: barnold@csd.uwm.edu; web: http://www.uwm.edu/~barnold/
* Oct. 11-13. Dust Aerosols, Loess and Global Change. Seattle, Washington, USA. Alan Busacca, Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-6420, USA; tel: 509-335-1589; fax: 509-335-8674; email: busacca@wau.edu; web: http://www.eus.wsu.edu/c&i/programs/dust.htm
Oct. 14-17. 56th Annual Meeting of the Plains Anthropological Conference. Radisson Inn, Bismarck, North Dakota, USA. Fern Swenson, State Historical Society of North Dakota, 612 E. Blvd. Ave., Bismarck, ND 58505, USA; tel: 701-328-3675; email: ccmail.fswenson@ ranch.state.nd.us.
Oct. 26-29. Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. GSA Meetings Department, tel: 1-800-472-1988 or 303-447-2020, ext. 133; email: meetings@geosociety.org; http://www.geosociety.org
Oct. 31. 4th Annual Conference, Graduate Students Association, Archaeology Dept., Boston University. Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Topic: Animal, Vegetable, Mineral: Using Specialist Studies in Archaeology. GSA Conference 1998, Dept. of Archaeology, Boston University, 675 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA 02215, USA; tel: 617- 353-3415; fax: 617-353-6800; email: dunwoody@bu.edu.
Nov. Inter-Congress Meeting of Commission 4, Union Internationale des Sciences Prehistoriques et Protohistoriques. Arizona, USA. Keith Kintigh, Dept. Anthropology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-2402, USA; tel: 602-965-6900; fax: 602-965-7671.
Nov. 2-8. IV Jornadas de Arqueologia de la Patagonia. Rio Gallegos, Argentina. IV Jornadas de Arqueologia de la Patagonia, INALP, 3 de Febrero 1370 (1426), Buenos Aires, Argentina; tel: 54-1-783-6554; fax: 54-2-783-3371; email: rafa@bibapl.edu.ar.
Nov. 7-11. 2nd International Climate and History Conference. Climatic Research Unit, Norwich, United Kingdom. Trevor D. Davies, Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, United Kingdom; tel: 44-1603-592721; fax: 44-1603-507784.
* Nov. 12-15. 31st Annual Chacmool Conference: On Being First-Cultural Innovation and Environmental Consequences of First Peoplings. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 1998 Conference Committee, Dept. of Archaeology, University of Calgary, Calgary Alberta, T1N 2N4, Canada; fax: 2820-9567; email: nichols@acs.ucalgary.ca
* Nov. 14-16. Biennial Festival International du Film Archeologique. Brussels, Belgium. Dider Dehon, President, Brussels Asbl Kineon, Chausee de la Hulpe 579, B-1170 Brussels, Belgium; tel/fax: 322-675-9029; email: frederic.andre@skynet.be; web: http://www.arkham.be/ pragma/kineon/index.htm.
* Nov. 19-22. Inter-Congress Meeting of UISPP Commission for Data Management and Mathematical Methods in Archaeology. Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. George Cowgill; email: cowgill@asu.edu; web: http://archaeology.la.asu.edu/usipp
* Jan. 5-6. Recent Advances in Quaternary Biostratigrapy. Cambridge, UK. Danielle Schreve, c/o Dept. of Palaeontology, Natural History Museum, London SW7 5BD, UK; tel: 0044-0171- 938-9258; fax: 0044-0171-938-9277; email: D.Schreve@nhm.ac.uk.
* Jan. 5-10. 1999 Society for Historical Archaeology conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Theme: Crossroads of the WEst-19th Century Transportation, Mining, and Commercial Development in the Intermountain West. Don Southworth, Program Coordinator, Sagebrush Consultants, L.L.C., 3670 Quincy Ave., Suite 203, Ogden, UT 84403, USA; tel: 801-394-0013; fax: 801-394-0032; email sageb@aol.com
Jan. 10-14. World Archaeology Congress 4. Cape Town, South Africa. Theme: Global Archaeology at the Turn of the Millennium. Carolyn Ackermann, WAC4, Congress Secretariat, PO Box 44503, Claremont 7735, South Africa; tel: 27-21-762-8600; fax: 27-21-762-8606; email: was4@globalconf.co.za; web: http://www.uct.ac.za/depts/age/wac + Symposium on Genetics in Archaeology.
+ Symposium: Origins, Spread and Significance of Maize Agriculture in the New World
* Mar. 12-13. National Council for Preservation Education 2nd National Forum. Towson, Maryland, USA. Theme: Multiple Views, Multiple Meanings. Michael Tomlan, Project Director, National Council for Preservation Education, 210 W.Sibley Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA; tel: 607-255-7261; fax: 607-255-1971; email: mat4@cornell.edu.
May. 1999 International Rock Art Conference. Ripon College, Ripon, Wisconsin, USA. Deborah Morse-Kahn, Regional Research Consortium, Minneapolis MN, USA; tel: 612-925- 0749; email: deborah@pclink.com; web: http://www.pclink.com/cbailey
Aug. 3-11. XV INQUA Congress 1999. Durban, South Africa. Theme: Enviornmental Background to Hominid Evolution in Africa. Mrs. E. Aucamp, PO Box 798, Silverton, Pretoria 0001, South Africa; fax: 27-12-8411221; email: eaucamp@geoscience.org.za; web: inqua.geoscinece.org.za
Aug. 23-29. 8th International Congress of the International Council for Archaeozoology. University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. ICAZ 98, Conference Management, Division of Continuing Studies, University of Victoria, PO Box 3030, Victoria, BC V8W 3N6, Canada; email: ICAZ@uvcs.uvic.ca; web: http://www.uvcs.uvic.ca/conferce/archzool/.
* Sept. 6-10. 9th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance. Rome, Italy. PR & Co., V. le Manlio Gelsomini, 26, 00153 Roma, Italy: tel: 39-6-574260; fax: 39-6-5748203; email: b.fersini@flashnet.it
* Sept. 6-10. 8th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. Vienna, Austria. Institut für Radiumforschung und Kernphysik der Universität Wien, VERA-Laboratorium, Wahringer Str. 17, A-1090 Wien, Austria. Walter Kutshcera (chairperson): email: walterku@pap.univie.ac.at; tel: 43-1-40480-700; fax: 43-1-4076-200.
* Nov. 18-20. 5th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics. Athens, Greece. Laboratory of Archaeometry, NCSR "Demokritos", Aghia Paraskevi, 15310 Attiki (Greece). tel: 30-1-6503392; fax: 30-1-6519430. email: emac99@ims.ariadne-t.gr. web: