From the President
The following report is based on the Report given at the SAS Annual Business Meeting, held Thursday, March 26, 1998 at the Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington.
The Society for Archaeological Sciences had its annual executive board and business meetings during the Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. We had a modest attendance of 16 at the general meeting. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of SAS. We take this occasion to thank those that have labored long and hard to sustain the organization. R.E. Taylor, currently our General Secretary, deserves special thanks for his involvement over the years.
SAS accomplishments in the last year have been steady. The SAS Bulletin is nearly back on track, with three issues out under the auspices of Rob Tykot. Bulletin editor Rob Tykot plans to return to the former quarterly schedule as soon as possible.
Membership has remained nearly constant. Felicia Beardsley was successful in maintaining our dues at the current level, although those getting the Journal of Archaeological Science will likely see an increase next year.
Jim Burton has done an outstanding job of maintaining our web pages. Links to officers, members, laboratories, and related sites help our dispersed community keep in contact with each other and our interests.
One of my goals as President is to have an SAS-sponsored symposium at each annual SAA. We succeeded this year with the session organized by Arleyn Simon and Nancy Olsen, "From Glass to Ceramics: Archaeometry in Archaeological and Technological Studies." Please contact me with ideas for next year - the deadline for submissions to SAA is September 2. A possibility we discussed at our business meeting was a session on the interface between archaeology and archaeometry.
The next North American Archaeometry Symposium will be in Mexico City in 2000. We are looking to Berkeley as a possible host for Archaeometry 2004. We currently have three SAS members on the Archaeometry Symposium Standing Committee: Michael Tite, Gar Harbottle and Sarah Wisseman.
The second and third volume in the Plenum Press series, Advances in Archaeological and Museum Science, came out: Chronometric Dating in Archaeology, edited by R.E. Taylor and Martin J. Aitken (1997, 416 pp., ISBN: 0-306-45715-6, $95.00 in US/Canada, $114.00 elsewhere), and Archaeological Obsidian Studies: Method and Theory , edited by M. Steven Shackley (1998, 262 pp., ISBN: 0-306-45804-7, $49.50 in US/Canada, $59.40 elsewhere). A fourth volume on conservation technology is progressing. We hope to sponsor additional volumes that will still satisfy our high standards.
Next year Chris Prior, now down under in New Zealand, will ascend to the Presidency, and we will conduct an election for the next President-elect and Secretary-Treasurer. Nominations or volunteers are welcome.
Thanks to the judging of Steve Shackley, Jim Burton and Rob Tykot, the SAS presented an award for best poster at the recent Archaeometry Symposium in Budapest. The Symposium organizers also presented an award for best student poster. I would like to see these efforts combined in the future, and to include student oral presentations as well.
We also anticipate closer involvement with other societies and SOPA/ROPA in the coming year. Joe Schuldenrein is pursuing discussions with ROPA.
Submitted by Rob Sternberg6/25/98