The feedback that I have received from my first issue
of the SAS Bulletin was mostly positive, so I will continue with this format
at least for the near future. Another double-issue (1997 no. 3/4) is scheduled
for production in December (and arrival in your mailbox in January). After
that, we will return to quarterly issues with production deadlines of March,
June, September and December.
In addition to the new editors that I welcomed last
issue, I would like to announce that Mike Waters is the new Associate Editor
for Geoarchaeology. Some of our new Associate Editors have columns in this
issue; they all need your help in providing material for future issues,
so please send them your news. I am especially interested in reviews of
conferences which include papers or sessions on archaeological science.
If you attend one and would be willing to write a review (even a very brief
one), please contact me before you start in order to avoid duplicating
someone elseís efforts. Unsolicited book reviews or notes are also welcome,
but again, please check with the Book Review Editor (Michael Glascock)
Announcements of employment and fellowship opportunities,
research grants, etc. can now be published in the SAS Bulletin in a timely
manner, so please forward this information to us. Subscriptions to the
Bulletin are available in exchange for newsletters and publications of
other organizations; advertising space may also be exchangeable.
Lastly, we intend to publish reviews or updates
on archaeological science within certain political or geographic regions.
Suggestions for both reviewers (self-nominations accepted) and regions
are welcome.