Applications are invited for a NERC studentship in this research-active Department. The award, which must be commenced before 31st December 1996, will be for up to 3 years, leading to the degree of Ph.D in the following subject:
Production and consumption of pottery in Early Neolithic Crete: a petrographic and microstructural approach.
The project will develop and exploit a combination of petrographic analysis and scanning electron microscopy to elucidate the technology and location of the first pottery production in Crete, that of the Early Neolithic period. The work will be based on the substantial pottery assemblage of Knossos, and will build on that of our active research team investigating Late Neolithic and Early Minoan ceramics. The student will have the opportunity of being trained in both petrographic and SEM techniques at Sheffield and NCSR "Demokritos" in Greece. The organization of production, the features of an early, introduced technology and the social context of consumption of these vessels are anticipated as important themes in the work. Further details may be obtained from Dr Peter Day or Dr Louise Joyner (Tel: 0114 282-5028/5030., or by post to The Department of Archaeology and Prehistory, University of Sheffield, Northgate House, West Street, Sheffield, S1 4ET). The closing date for applications is 29th November 1996 and interviews will take place in the first week of December.