President's Musings

SAS continues to be a dynamic organization, bouncing up and down in membership numbers, expanding to an increasingly international breadth, affiliating with a major journal, and working with the International Symposium on Archaeometry, 1996. This type of activity requires both work and communication, and no single person more fully embodies those two dimensions of SAS in recent years than Rob Sternberg. Though he did not know just what he was getting himself into five years ago, Rob made a commitment and followed through. His term as Editor of the SAS Bulletin has been a testimony to his determination and imagination. He took over from a slacker (yours truly!) and published a record number of pages. Maintaining some of the old features, such as interest-group news (exemplified by Martha Goodway's News of Archaeometallurgy), the Meetings Calendar (which Rob produced before he became Editor), Lab Profiles, and Book Reviews, he also added Internet data, more Conference Reports, a cumulative index, and a membership list. His diligence and intelligence made the Bulletin a valuable tool, with timely information and plenty of it. Even though he complains that this work has gotten in the way of his archaeometric research, he must like it, since he has allowed himself to be elected President of the SAS for 1997-1999! In doing this, he's positioned himself to do more important work in the promotion and development of archaeological science at a crucial time in history, and taken on another challenge. Rob, it may be tougher than learning your way around Pagemaker, but I think you are up to the task. Thanks for your excellent work with the Bulletin, and I look forward to continued cooperation in the future on behalf of the SAS.

Patrick E. Martin
S.A.S. President 1995-1997
Department of Social Sciences
Michigan Technological University
Houghton, MI 49931

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